Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fox Returners

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles returns for its second season on Fox. I really enjoyed the first season and this show is probably in my top five awaited returns. The addition of Brian Austin Green mid-season was a great decision. Seeing young David Silver as an action star is like a dream come true. Also, Clare's friend from the first season of Heroes is John Connor so that's an extra tv plus. If you are excited for the new Christian Bale infested Terminator 4, you really should catch up on Sarah Connor Chronicles to fill the time.

Best Character:
Derek Reese (below left)

Worst Character: (only thinking of the five main characters)
John Connor (above right), which is sad because I like him.

House starts their fifth season this fall and it's starting to drag a little for me. Sure I love House's quirks and Wilson's everything, but the episodes are getting too repetitive for me. Give me some more relationship stuff, like with the House, Wilson, Cut-throat B*tch love triangle. It's like they only have one or two of these situations a season. Also if House could watch more soaps and play more gameboy I would get a bunch more laughs out of it.

Best Character:
Greg House (below left)

Worst Character:
Eric Foreman (above right)

Family Guy is now in its seventh season although there was that break in between because it got cancelled. what?!? This is by far the best animated show of all time, and they come up with the most subtle but ridiculous ways to make you laugh. One of the great things about this show is that there are three tremendous characters that I can absolutely see being someone's favorite character. Although I am a Peter man, Stewie or Brian would be absolutely the best character on any other animated show on television.

Best Character:
Peter Griffon (below)

Worst Character:
Herbert (creepy old guy)


  1. I really haven't been able to watch Family Guy since Southpark destroyed them in the "Cartoon Wars" episode. It's funny, but it's too easy.

  2. i'm lost on that one...not a south park guy although i feel i would be if i watched. fill me in sometime on this cartoon wars ep

  3. loose check the episodes out, it's a 2 parter. season 10 ep 3 and 4. that's a legal stream site.
